Written By TerrorHub

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It all started with that goddamn horn.

One day, out of nowhere, this deafening blast echoed across the globe, loud enough to make your ears bleed and your bones shake.

No one knew where the hell it came from.

It lasted for what felt like an eternity, then just stopped.

Silence followed, and the world held its breath.

Everyone heard it.

Every corner of the earth was touched by that infernal sound.

A few days later, shit hit the fan.

People started dropping dead out of nowhere.

No warning, no signs, nothing.

One minute they were alive, the next, dead.

It made no sense.

And then it started—bodies began falling from the fucking sky like some sick celestial rain.

I remember standing in the middle of the street, looking up as bodies started plummeting to the ground.

Lifeless, mangled, crashing with sickening thuds.

The heavens are full, some asshole muttered beside me, their face a mask of horror.

It was like something out of a twisted nightmare.

The dead had nowhere else to go, so they were being sent back to us.

I watched in disbelief as bodies smashed into the ground.

They weren’t rotting corpses; they were fresh, like they’d just died.

The ones that weren’t completely fucking obliterated by the fall would sit up, legs crossed or sprawled out, and smile.

Creepiest fucking thing you’d ever see.

Blank, empty smiles, staring at nothing.

Like they were content, or maybe just utterly broken.

These bodies were fucking deadly.

People got killed by the falling corpses.

Imagine looking up, seeing some poor bastard falling right towards you, and then bam!

You’re flattened, your skull cracked open, blood everywhere.

Adding to the chaos, it was a sick rainstorm, each drop a reminder of the madness that had taken over the world.

Just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, we heard a second trumpet.

The sky turned a deeper shade of gray, almost black.

Then, as if the world wasn’t already fucked enough, a massive object fell into the sea.

They called it a mountain burning with fire.

When it hit, the oceans boiled and turned blood-red.

The sea became a graveyard, killing a third of all sea life.

Ships sank, coastal cities were flooded with death and destruction.

The stench of salt and decay filled the air.

It was a nightmare on top of a nightmare.

Not long after the second trumpet, a third one sounded.

A great star, they called it Wormwood, fell to the Earth.

It poisoned a third of the planet’s freshwater—rivers, springs, all turned to bitter death traps.

The world outside turned into a hellscape.

The streets were filled with smiling corpses, their blank stares haunting anyone left alive.

The cities fell apart as buildings were overrun, streets turned into deathtraps.

The aura of despair spread like wildfire.

People started to lose their minds, unable to comprehend the horror unfolding before their eyes.

I kept moving, driven by pure fucking instinct.

I watched people I knew, friends and strangers alike, get caught in the madness.

Some committed suicide, others just stood there, unable to process the insanity around them.

Every time someone died, their body would fall from the sky minutes later, adding to the twisted rain of flesh and bone.

As I ran through the ruins, trying to stay alive, I realized the terrifying truth: the heavens were full, and there was no escape from this madness.

We were trapped in a world where the dead rained down from the sky, bringing with them chaos and destruction.

And then, it happened.

I looked up just in time to see a body falling right towards me.

I didn’t have time to move.

Pain exploded in my chest, everything went black.

Now, I’m falling.

Falling through the sky, looking down at the world below.

My body crashes to the ground, and as I sit up, I can feel the blank, empty smile spreading across my face.

The line between sanity and madness is gone.

The end times are here, and I’m just another piece of this fucked-up puzzle.

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