
Written By martykarl

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The Black Wolves of the German Army during the Second World War.

Me and my mother wanted to have a few away and this is what we decided to do one day, it was the start of things to come for me and my mother it came from the darkness of hell the lost town of the dead in the forgotten Town called Mount of Corpus Christi, it is where the evils of mankind happened.

We didn't know that this Town was even there and very strange things started beginning to happen due to the oncoming thunderstorm and the darkness of evil and the stuff of nightmares that was waiting for the both of us, after a few days away it was time to go back home we were about one hundred miles away from the city of Parisian, We left the mine road and turned on to a nice quiet countryside road to avoid the heavy traffic so we wanted to have a peaceful drive home.

But we didn't get that at all because as we were driving down the road it felt like the car was slowing down to a stop then we had the feeling that time and space were changed so much in the blink of an eye daylight became night time, then a slow grip on the car that was making it slow down an visible force had a hold on the car which made it come to a stop, whatever it was released the hold which made the car go forwards faster, my mother had to slam the brakes on, we were sitting in the car just looking at each other thinking what the hell has just happened.

Marty, I think that we have just gone through a thin fabric of time and back in time, I'm not too sure where we are and in what period Marty, no matter what happens you stay very close to me do you understand?

Yes, Mother but why has everything gone black there's no life nothing at all, not a sound what's over there?

it looks like a black silhouette of someone walking towards us, it's a figure that's heading this way, look the figure is waving its arm as if it wants us to go towards it.

Marty, it's moving this way I don't like it get back in the car that thing has no life to it, run now get back in the car Marty don't stop go now, the dark shadow figure was becoming too close that was a dead soul of a Germania soldier, it wanted the both of us to go towards it, I think it was trying to warn us about something.

Mother, I am wondering what that thing was and where are we, mama?

What is this place?

It's so dark the only light we had was from the full moon.

The both of us were looking at the dark figures running around and heard the screaming of terror from them but we couldn't see who they were just dark figures running and screaming in the distance with the orange-red glow flickering across the land and the piles of dead bodies, the smell of the burning flesh, is a strong flowing through the air and into my lungs, there is another smell in the air it is making me feel sick, I ask my mother what is that sickly smell.

Marty just look over there and you will see what it is.

I can't believe what I am looking at how can they do that to innocent people it's horrifying, mother please find a way out of here and quickly, I think that we have just entered the gates of Hell itself because all this isn't normal it's just pure evil.

Marty, I will try to find a way out of this hell hole.

mother, have a look along the roadside dead rotting bodies were just hanging on both sides of the road, now I understood what my mother was saying to me, two rows of rotting people not dead or living, black stinking flesh hanging off their bodies, why were they still moving and groaning in pain, we just carried on driving down the road to a small Town it's like driving through Hell itself, every building is on fire getting demolished by the Black Wolves Armys tanks driving through the buildings demolishing them, hundreds of bodies laying everywhere we are having to drive slowly and carefully going around the bodies on the road and hanging from the trees.

Now I can see the people nailed to large wooden doors if they are being crucified just like Jesus but being crucified upset down with their throats cut and tongues cut out so they will suffocate slowly, all these people aren't dead, yet they are still mourning with the pain and suffering they have been put through tortured and the Garmanias are standing around laughing at the lost poor souls, the Black Wolves are feeding off the soul's energy.

I ask my mother what dark evil is causing all this dark soulless misery, Mother I can sense the evil in the air it's like we have entered Dante's Artwork of Hell.

Marty, this is the centre of the town the Streets are running red with blood and the bodies of the dead are flowing into the river of blood this looks like the river of the dead from biblical times, stay very close to me Marty, I don't know were we are, and I don't know what's going to happen.

Mother, I can see the Germanias, tanks firing their guns I can hear the explosions, the dark figures are running around trying to get away from the soldiers that are killing them, look at the people hanging over fires getting burnt alive, I can't corp with all this screaming it's coming from all around me it's hurting my ears.

Marty, we better move the soldiers the black werewolves are hanging the people up by the wrists and then disembowelled them while they are still alive, listen I can hear somebody calling my name Marty, it's saying, Marty gives me your pure soul and becomes a Black Wolve join your true family, who is calling me, where are you, it sounds like it's in my head, I am feeling like I have been pulled into a thick fog, it keeps repeating my name.

Mama, are these black werewolves over where?

Yes, and they are looking towards the both of us, standing next to them are shadow figures, I think I know who is creating all of this evil it's that bastard, Marty please try to concentrate on my voice listen to my words don't let them pull you into the evil darkness, they are the evil spirits from the past repeating their evil, look at me Marty look at me, you have to run back to the car and do not fear them your fear gives them more energy.

Mother, I recognise the voice, I think it's my Granddad I remember who it is, why is my Grandad doing all this evil?

That is right Marty, I am your Grandfather, I have your father here with me, and you are pure energy a true Black Wolve Cub, come to me, your rightful place is in this world of dark evil place Marty.

I know what you are, and I how you are, you are not having my son, he is an innocent 12-year-old child.

Marty, go now run to the car don't stop.

Mother, look at the rest of Granddad's, dead army soldiers with the black werewolves moving slowly towards us, they are stopping near the rows of those dead crucified people, look at the crosses they aren't straight up they are leaning over the fires so they can slowly burn the people to death, why is this be happening.

Marty, what you are seeing here really happened in the Second World War, it was the Black Wolves, that caused all this death and destruction and misery because of the Evil Cult who followed the Black Moon of Death, Marty your grandfather was the leader and after the war, your father joined that Cult, what you have seen here it is what your Grandfather has done in the past to the Jewish people in the Second World War.

He went on the run at the end of the war and when the Nuremberg trials started he killed an innocent man fed the body to pigs, and then stole his identity to avoid prison he was an evil man.

Marty, look at the black Mist it's rising from the earth swelling around and upwards forming into a huge demonic demon, it's a huge black silhouette with an Orange glow reflecting onto its body, from the bonfires of the people burning, the demon is trying to trap both of us, into their circle of evil, listen to the leader is shouting something.

Marty, I am your grandfather, I am the leader of the council of twelve of the Dark Moon, I want you to join the Dark Moon and become a Black Wolve, you know who I am, do you remember me, Marty?

listen to me you bastard you are not his grandfather, you are death an evil darkness stay away from my son, he is nothing like you, he is an innocent child with a pure soul and a pure heart, you will not take him.

If you try to I will swear by all the pagan gods I will banish you back to the pits of hell from where you came.

Hoor that is so sweet Francesca, you can but try, you are nothing to me, just something without any powers, I will have your son, I will bring him into my darkness then I will teach him the ways in the darkness of evil.

Just try me you bastard, I will destroy you and everything you stand for, have you forgotten I am a white witch who will banish you back to the pits of Hell?

Francesca, I thought that you loved me, I am your father-in-law, give me your child and I will make him Immortal and full of pure evil.

Fuck you, you will not have him, I am going to destroy you and the rest of the council of twelve.

Try me, Francesca you will not win, you are just a little white witch with no powers.

Mother, there are more of them rising from the ground he has brought the Garmania soldiers of the Dead back from hell itself, they are trying to reach out, to grab me trying to pull me down into hell with them, Spirits are in front at the back, either side of me mother help me I can't stop them cast your Pagan Spell to stop them, the howling and screeching is causing me so much pain in my ears it's making them bleed.

Marty, I have just asked the pagan goddess Aesir for protection from the evil forces that we are facing and to banish the evil back down to the Bowels Of Hell, but will we need more help with this dark evil?

we can't do it alone.

Marty, take my hand and together, as fast as possible, run to the car that is just around the corner don't look back just keep going forward.

Marty, your grandfather has created his evil army so he can carry on with his evil, but he needs your energy because it's pure, it will give him greater powers, Marty he will not have you tonight I will promise you that Marty, you are my son and I will protect you at all costs, he was an evil man in life and now in death, he is sending his army of the dead after you they are moving this way quickly run Marty, I am thinking if we drive down that road we may get out of this place, it looks like if Hades himself and his arm are coming out from hell, this is like being in the story of Armageddon from the Bible.

I will start saying a Pagan spelt to keep them at bay it may give the both of us a chance, I hope that she heard me, Marty, on three, 1,2, 3, now run Marty.

Francesca this is the last chance to give me your son or I will rip his heart from the boy's chart and suck the energy out, while you watch the life draining from his body, Francesca there is no way to run, leave me the child I have no use for you, leave now and you won't die, give the boy to me.

I have already told you fuck you.

The child will be mine sooner or later, you can't protect the child forever Francesca.

Mother, something is happening over there are twelve dark shadow figures slowly rising from the Earth, it's becoming huge, and it're changing form, Mother what is that?

Marty that's the leader it's changing into a very dark and Powerful Demon, we will go down that road and hope it takes us out of here, all we can do is try, we will not die in this place.

Look at the dark shadow figures who are slowly being pulled back into hell, Aesir has answered my prayers now let's drive out of here.

Mother what about the huge one I think it's changing itself into a demon, it's trying to fight back, the powers of the goddess Aesir are too powerful for them to win the battle the demon knows it can't win.

look Marty the skies are turning thunderous full of lightning with the darkest red fire, the demon is fighting back harder, we have to go now, Marty I can feel the land rumbling and shaking under the car, the ground is opening up Marty can you see what's coming out of the ground, whatever it is, the long and black with long tentacles, that's trying to pull us back down into Hell with it.

Mother just keep driving I can see the end of the road.

Marty look at everything it's becoming normal, I am seeing daylight coming through the darkness again, I think the evil has been stopped by the Goddess Aesir she defeated The Black Wolves, and all of the darkness.

Don't be too sure of that Francesca, I will always be watching you, when you go into a darkened room I will be waiting in the corner when you feel as if someone is watching it will be me when you have darkness in your dreams it will be me, it will always be me Francesca waiting for your child.

Marty, there is no small town anymore, it just appears and then disappears into green fields, are you alright Marty?

Yes, Mother, I just want to go home and try to understand what has just happened to us both if we can, I have a feeling that someone else is watching me, it's an eerie feeling, mother look upon the hill it's that huge demon, its waiting for something else to happen it's creepy mother.

Francesca give me your child he's rightful place is by my side.

You shall never have my son, I have told you before, FUCK YOU.


come to me Marty

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