
Written By martykarl

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I have two minds.

2/2 Part 2 following up on part one I have two minds.

Mental Health issues Francesca, it's nice to see you, but why are you here?

Because we need to talk about our son Castiel, I need your help with Marty, his mental health issues are becoming worse for him, let's go and have lunch together then we can talk in private about what's going on, now tell me about Marty's behaviour.

Marty is a well-known Artist and illustrator Marty's life is great he's done very well, it's just since he killed his father the voices inside his mind have become more frequent I found him talking to himself this morning, I have tried to talk about everything with him but he just wants me to leave him alone, I can't get Marty to talk to me, Marty knows Castiel will you be able to talk with him.

Francesca, I will come around tomorrow and try to talk with him, I won't promise you anything, does Marty know that I am his real father, what is Jean Luc doing to help you?

No Marty doesn't know you are his father I have never told him, Jean Luc said some things to me about Marty I told him to get out I haven't heard from him since.

What sort of things was Jean Luc saying to you and why?

He got this stupid fucking idea in his head that Marty could be the little girl that has been seen at the murders, it's because of Marty's mental health issues, Marty tells me that he has voices in his head and he thinks that one of them could be a demon, is there any wonder after what he has been through and seen, the beatings and getting raped the violence and having to see me getting beaten and raped in front of him, and you wonder why he is so messed up in his head, now I've got that bastard brother telling me that he thinks my son could be the serial killer, Marty takes after me small and petite and is 13th birthday is coming up soon, how the hell can he kill a fully grown adult, Castiel I don't know who's more fuck up in the head.

Castiel, so sorry for Interrupting your lunch, may I speak with you in private?

We have another body that has been found it has been crucified with a crown of thorns, the body was found in the ancient forests, by a female walking her dog this morning.

Who's on the case?

Inspector Monet has been investigating the last three murders.

Ask him to check on the back of the neck for the symbol, then get back to me.

( The voices inside my head ) They have found your latest piece of artwork in the ancient forest, I do hope they appreciate all your hard work, it's a true representation of Jesus on the cross it is magnificent, I was there on the day watching when the Romans nailing him to the cross, the energy I received from him and his pain and suffering was for filling for me.

Yes, it is my best work so far I am quite proud of it but I couldn't have done it without your help demon, you gave me the energy and strength, and I will have to think about the next one for me and you demon, everyone has no idea that it is me it's wonderful having mental health issues as I have it helps me to create death and so much beauty in what I do because sometimes it can be very sexual when I look at what I have done my penis grows hard and I have to masturbate over my victim before I kill them, Hoor what am I to do with myself, one day the authorities and the police will find out who I am.

No, they won't if you listen to me and keep following my instructions, you belong to me for I am the voice of your mind I am the darkness of your insanity, ( The End of My Voices ) Marty how are you feeling today we haven't talked for a while, do you feel up to talking, then you can tell me what artwork you have been working on.

Castiel, it's nice to see you, yes I would to talk with you let's start with you telling me the truth about you being my real father, instead of you and mother keeping it a secret, is that how you see me a secret never to be told, why haven't you ever told me that you are my father.

Marty, it's not that simple there were a lot of different reasons and problems for me and your mother back then, especially with being a Jewish German the hatred for the Jewish people and Germans was at a high because of the fascist movements sweeping through Europe, this is why your mother registered you as French and left the German and the Jewish out of it, she was just trying to protect you from harm Marty we both where.

From harm what about my father causing me harm when he beat and raped me and my mother over and over again, what about when I had to watch my mother get beaten and raped because she was trying like hell to stop, please tell me how could a small petite five-foot lady, stop a 19 stone 7-foot tall and solid muscle man, and she paid the price for trying, I have lost count how many times I've seen my mother laying on the floor naked beaten bleeding from the face and from both entrance down below battered bruised and bloody.

Castiel do you know what the hardest thing is for me every day I have to try and keep that bastard out of my head I get images of his face close up and his voice laughing at me calling me the Retarded little bastard, and then I get my voice echoing through my head as I am screaming leave me alone you are dead you cannot harm me anymore but it won't stop its everyday bagging inside of my head, at the back of my head in the darkness I have this deep gravity voice that talks to me telling me it is Demon from within my Darkness.

Marty, haven't you talked about all of these problems that you are having, you can talk to your mother or a psychiatrist if you ask your mother there are therapists at the Lunatic Asylum where she works they know you talk to them, you need help and I have been told that you are smoking a lot more cannabis as well.

Cannabis helps to stop the voices inside my head and brings me peace for a while, I use it for the pain in my legs and hips and keeps me calm, I have used it since I was seven years old for the pain, then there's mamas pain I often sit outside the bedroom door listening to her crying herself to sleep, sometimes I would get into bed with mama and hold on to her until she falls to sleep.

Castiel I am 13 years old and I still wet the bed and wake up screaming and crying me and mama both have mental health issues, we just have to manage it every day in the best way we can, this is why I can not talk about my problems with her, what mana doesn't need is Uncle Jean Luc saying that he thinks that I could be the serial killer because I have mental health issues, mama cried all-day and throw the night because of him, look at me I can't walk up the stairs never mind kill a fully grown man what was Jean Luc thinking.

Marty, I want you to concentrate on getting your young self better physically and mentally and not worry about Jean Luc I will have a talk with him, I want you to do everything else for yourself and find help from a therapist and start talking, you have been talking with me for three hours you have done good today be proud of yourself Marty, I will see you again very soon.

Francesca, I have had a long talk with Marty, let's go and have lunch together then we can talk in private about what's going on, now tell me about Marty's behaviour.

Marty is a well-known Artist and illustrator his life as an Artist is great at the moment he's doing very well, but as for his behaviour, it's since he killed his father, and the voices inside his mind have become more frequent.

Castiel I found Marty talking to himself this morning, I have tried to talk about everything with him but he just wants me to leave him alone, I can't get Marty to talk to me.

Francesca give Marty time and he will open up to you just like he has done with me, Marty is ready to talk about his problems just stand back and let him come to you, forget about what Jean Luc has said he's a fucking idiot Marty is not the serial killer, he is just a mixed up kid.

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