
Written By martykarl

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have two minds.

Mental health issues.

Chapter 1.

My name is Marty and this is my story from when I was sexually and physically abused by my father since I was five years old, and also my mother was physically beaten and raped by him yes he was beaten and raped both of us until I reached 11 years old.

This is when everything stopped for myself and my mother, but it has never gone away for me it's always inside my head every day because I?

You are going to find out in the story, let's start the story in the morning on the day that my abuse stopped for good the year is 1973.

The question that you have to ask yourself is whether or not the problems in my mind are causing my depression with anxiety and whether the voices inside my head are demonic or schizophrenia, my mental health problems are becoming worse along with my drug addiction to cannabis opium cocaine, read this story very carefully and you may find out what is going on.

I am a Pagan my mother is a pagan white witch.

The story begins.

Mis da Sol, I am Inspector Monet, you have been unconscious for three days, I have been talking to your Doctors, and they have told me you are okay to answer a few questions for me, Do you remember what happened to your husband he was dead in the kitchen at your home can you tell me how it happened?

Where is my son Mary is he still alive, where's my son nobody will say anything.

That's because there's a murder investigation going on, Francesca your husband was found lying on the kitchen floor with a knife wound to the heart, and there was blood all over the floor.

Marty is safe he is still unconscious the doctors are keeping him asleep he has serious damage to his body nearly every born in his hips and legs is broken and he is having an operation on the bottom, your neighbours phoned for help they heard the shouting and screaming, when your friend from next door found you naked on the floor covered in blood, your son Marty was laying on top of you trying to keep you warm, I think he was trying to save your life, Francesca I know that there's a history of violent abuse by your husband.

Inspector Monet, I killed my husband I had to put a stop to the abuse to save my son before he killed him, I murdered my husband Inspector.

Francesca thank you for answering my questions I will let you rest for now, in a few days when you have recovered more we will talk about everything to find out the truth about what went on, and I have to talk to Marty, when the Doctor tells me is okay I will see you soon rest yourself.

How did it go inspector have you found out who murdered had husband?

No nothing she is lying about what has happened, Francesca da Sol is telling me that she killed her husband, I have a feeling that she is covering up for someone else, has the forensic team finished with the knife, for fingerprints?

I am not too sure inspector I will follow that up straight away what makes you think she's covering up?

There's something that isn't right, she thought that her son was dead, and then she was too quick to take the blame, and she confessed too quickly to killing her husband, I think that someone else has killed him and Mis da Sol is covering to protect them.

Inspector, please don't think I have gone mad but you think that the son could have killed his father.

He may be capable but don't forget he's only 11 years old and with the damage to his hips and legs, is it possible that he could stand in front of a man who's 7 feet tall and stab him in the heart?

My name is Marty and this is my story from when I was sexually and physically abused by my father since IMy name is Marty and this is my story from when I was sexually and physically abused by my father since I was five years old, and also my mother was physically beaten and raped by him yes he was beaten and raped both of us until I reached 11 years old.

This is when everything stopped for myself and my mother, but it has never gone away for me it's always inside my head every day because I?

You are going to find out in the story, let's start the story in the morning on the day that my abuse stopped for good the year is 1973.

The question that you have to ask yourself is whether or not the problems in my mind are causing my depression with anxiety and whether the voices inside my head are demonic or schizophrenia, my mental health problems are becoming worse along with my drug addiction to cannabis opium cocaine, read this story very carefully and you may find out what is going on.

I am a Pagan my mother is a pagan white witch.

The story begins.

Mis da Sol, I am Inspector Monet, you have been unconscious for three days, I have been talking to your Doctors, and they have told me you are okay to answer a few questions for me, Do you remember what happened to your husband he was dead in the kitchen at your home can you tell me how it happened?

Where is my son Mary is he still alive, where's my son nobody will say anything.

That's because there's a murder investigation going on, Francesca your husband was found lying on the kitchen floor with a knife wound to the heart, and there was blood all over the floor.

Marty is safe he is still unconscious the doctors are keeping him asleep he has serious damage to his body nearly every born in his hips and legs is broken and he is having an operation on the bottom, your neighbours phoned for help they heard the shouting and screaming, when your friend from next door found you naked on the floor covered in blood, your son Marty was laying on top of you trying to keep you warm, I think he was trying to save your life, Francesca I know that there's a history of violent abuse by your husband.

Inspector Monet, I killed my husband I had to put a stop to the abuse to save my son before he killed him, I murdered my husband Inspector.

Francesca thank you for answering my questions I will let you rest for now, in a few days when you have recovered more we will talk about everything to find out the truth about what went on, and I have to talk to Marty, when the Doctor tells me is okay I will see you soon rest yourself.

How did it go inspector have you found out who murdered had husband?

No nothing she is lying about what has happened, Francesca da Sol is telling me that she killed her husband, I have a feeling that she is covering up for someone else, has the forensic team finished with the knife, for fingerprints?

I am not too sure inspector I will follow that up straight away what makes you think she's covering up?

There's something that isn't right, she thought that her son was dead, and then she was too quick to take the blame, and she confessed too quickly to killing her husband, I think that someone else has killed him and Mis da Sol is covering to protect them.

Inspector, please don't think I have gone mad but you think that the son could have killed his father.

He may be capable but don't forget he's only 11 years old and with the damage to his hips and legs, is it possible that he could stand in front of a man who's 7 feet tall and stab him in the heart?

was five years old, and also my mother was physically beaten and raped by him yes he was beaten and raped both of us until I reached 11 years old.

This is when everything stopped for myself and my mother, but it has never gone away for me it's always inside my head every day because I?

You are going to find out in the story, let's start the story in the morning on the day that my abuse stopped for good the year is 1973.

The question that you have to ask yourself is whether or not the problems in my mind are causing my depression with anxiety and whether the voices inside my head are demonic or schizophrenia, my mental health problems are becoming worse along with my drug addiction to cannabis opium cocaine, read this story very carefully and you may find out what is going on.

I am a Pagan my mother is a pagan white witch.

The story begins.

Mis da Sol, I am Inspector Monet, you have been unconscious for three days, I have been talking to your Doctors, and they have told me you are okay to answer a few questions for me, Do you remember what happened to your husband he was dead in the kitchen at your home can you tell me how it happened?

Where is my son Mary is he still alive, where's my son nobody will say anything.

That's because there's a murder investigation going on, Francesca your husband was found lying on the kitchen floor with a knife wound to the heart, and there was blood all over the floor.

Marty is safe he is still unconscious the doctors are keeping him asleep he has serious damage to his body nearly every born in his hips and legs is broken and he is having an operation on the bottom, your neighbours phoned for help they heard the shouting and screaming, when your friend from next door found you naked on the floor covered in blood, your son Marty was laying on top of you trying to keep you warm, I think he was trying to save your life, Francesca I know that there's a history of violent abuse by your husband.

Inspector Monet, I killed my husband I had to put a stop to the abuse to save my son before he killed him, I murdered my husband Inspector.

Francesca thank you for answering my questions I will let you rest for now, in a few days when you have recovered more we will talk about everything to find out the truth about what went on, and I have to talk to Marty, when the Doctor tells me is okay I will see you soon rest yourself.

How did it go inspector have you found out who murdered had husband?

No nothing she is lying about what has happened, Francesca da Sol is telling me that she killed her husband, I have a feeling that she is covering up for someone else, has the forensic team finished with the knife, for fingerprints?

I am not too sure inspector I will follow that up straight away what makes you think she's covering up?

There's something that isn't right, she thought that her son was dead, and then she was too quick to take the blame, and she confessed too quickly to killing her husband, I think that someone else has killed him and Mis da Sol is covering to protect them.

Inspector, please don't think I have gone mad but you think that the son could have killed his father.

He may be capable but don't forget he's only 11 years old and with the damage to his hips and legs, is it possible that he could stand in front of a man who's 7 feet tall and stab him in the heart?

Francesca, may I ask you about Marty's mental health issues, I know that they have been caused by physical and sexual abuse, in what state of mind was Marty in on that day?

Marty was in a happy and calm state of mind, he had been working on some of his artwork, I was in the shower I didn't know what started the abuse, I just heard the screaming for help from Marty, you know the rest.

Francesca, I would like you to be with me when I talk to Marty this afternoon if you will please, it will make him more at ease when being questioned.

Hello Marty I am Inspector Monet, I would like to ask you a few questions will that be alright?

Yes, it's alright, are you going to take me to prison now?

No, I am not, can you remember what happened to your father?

Yes, I killed him I stabbed him in the heart because of what he was doing to me and my mother.

How do you feel about killing your father Marty?

I don't feel anything I killed him because he was going to.

kill me and Mother, I am glad that I killed him, I'm sorry but it's true.

Hope he's glad that his father is dead and now look who's a killer.

( The Voices in the Head) Be quiet am trying to listen.

But you murdered your friend and that other young female didn't you?

Yes nobody else knows they are still looking for the killer, now, please let me listen to them.

Francesca will always protect me.

Maybe so it's you who's talking to yourself.

If you weren't inside my head it would be better.

You invited me in.

You took advantage of me because I was in the darkness of my mind.

Don't forget that you kill people for me then I feed off the suffering and pain, and their fear gives me so much energy, and then I feed you energy it works both ways.

But I don't need to have a demon inside my head making me do things like that.

I don't make you do anything, you enjoy hunting for your next victim to kill, the question is, are you sure that I'm not a manifestation of your mind's darkness hatred and anger or am I a demon?

( I have had enough of you I'm not talking to ).

Francesca, I have been talking to my superiors, and we now know that it was Marty who killed your husband, with a history of violence and sexual abuse to both of you, it has been decided that there will be no further investigation, so take your son home.

Thank you so much, all I have been thinking about is that you were going to take Marty away from me.

Jean Luc, did you hear that I can take Marty home?

Marty when you are better you are coming home with me, I will make your favourite pancakes smokey bacon with honey.

That sounds nice, but can you make what's in my head better it's everyday none stop, voices and memories of what he has been doing to both of us and the memories of watching you getting beaten and raped in front of me can you please tell me that you can make it better for me mother.

Hello Marty I have some illustrations for you to work on it's a set of Ten, would you like to do them?

Yes please are they with colour or black and white?

With a graphic pen in black and white please, and you have two weeks.

Francesca, have you heard the news about the Paedophile who's been found dead, he was hanging naked from a tree, he had been disembowelled and his penis and testicles cut off and placed into his mouth, what is strange about this is a few Witnesses say there was a young girl with white hair wearing a pretty dress with what looked like blood on it nearby, this happens in a park luckily there weren't any children in the park at that time.

No, I haven't heard anything.

The murder has been all over the news for the past few days now Francesca, it's quite strange how witnesses say there's a petite little girl with white hair and wearing a blood-stained dress.

Jean Luc, I can't understand how people think a petite little girl can go around murdering adults, don't you think an adult would be able to overpower a little girl who's trying to kill them, I think that is not a child who's involved It's just a serial killer people are adding more to the story to make its more than it is.

I'm not interested in ridiculous stories I am trying to concentrate on getting Marty better in mind and body It has been over a year now since he was in the hospital, I know what you're thinking how can you he's your nephew, yes he has mental health issues, what do you expect after what he has been through, I can't believe you Jean Luc I think you should go now.

Inspector Monet, the murders of the paedophile hanging from the tree, and the young man nailed to the Satanic pentagram, I think that I may have found a link to connect them both it's this symbol, it's a letter M inside the triangle it has been cut into the flesh on both victims, into the back of the neck.

How was this missed at the autopsy?

surely something like this should have been spotted and recorded, have a look through the autopsy report to see if it says anything about this, just keep it to yourself for now we don't want the press releasing it to the public, has there been anyone come forward with information about the little girl yet?

No not even a phone call sorry inspector, I will let you know as soon as possible when we have the information.

I know who you are I've just yet to prove it hopefully, it won't be long before you are talking to me I promise you that, yes I am talking to myself, inspector.

Marty who are you talking to I can hear you down the hallway.

No one mama just myself, I am trying to work out an idea for the illustrations, I'm going for Uncle Luc, mama I'm hungry is lunch ready?

Yes, Marty lunch is down the stairs, and you are always hungry, Marty I want to ask you about your 13th birthday what would you like to do?

Well at the moment I like to create body art using the human body to create artwork like sculptures and leave them around the city of Paris for people to see, just like the dead ones that someone else is leaving, so I will need body paints.

I'm sorry Marty what did you just say?

Mama haven't you been listening to a word I have been saying, I would like oil paints for my birthday, please.

Ho yes of course Marty oil paints, lunch is down in the kitchen.

Thank you, mama.

It's fine my son enjoy, which one am I talking to at the moment the light or the dark one?

let me have a quick look at your artwork while you are having breakfast, I want to see what is going on inside your head.

Good morning is it possible to speak with Inspector Castiel, my name is Francesca da Sol.

This story will continue soon thank you.

Martin Karl Gardiner.

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