
Written By martykarl

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Part.1 Her name is Isabel Lucretia Samona Bocilly, she is a petite and very beautiful Prema Ballerina, and only twenty years old, she is highly celebrated for her talent for being a ballet dancer, Isabel was also celebrated for her overwhelming beauty, and she's married to a celebrate French Artists Marty, Isabel had such fame she was known around the world.

May I have the attention of everybody, please, after a year we have just performed our last performance of the ballet tour, and I would just like to say a great big thank you to everyone, especially to all of the ballerinas without all of you this ballet wouldn't be the success that it has become, so now shall we get the party started it's in the mine hall, please go and enjoy yourselves.

Remus, I would like to say, that dancing with you has been an honour and a pleasure I hope in the future that we will have the opportunity to dance with each other again thank you so much.

Isabel, I am proud and honoured to have had the opportunity to dance with a beautiful lady such as yourself, I hope that in the future we will dance once more.

So do I Remus, but for now I will be getting the next flight to Paris I have missed my husband Marty.

Isabal welcome home so tell me how did your ballet tour go well, tell me did you fill the theatres that's a silly question of course you fill them every time.

Hello Marty I have missed you so much I love you, and it is nice to be home, after months away on the tour playing the ballet of The Whore the of Babylon was a great success, now I am very tired and my whole body aches I need a hot bath and I am in need would you like to join me my lover.

The Raven You can't see me I am watching you both taking a bath and then I will be watching you both making love together, but don't worry, you won't see me, you won't hear me, as I will create so much pain and suffering in your lives I am going to pull you into the Darkness of Despair, for I am the Raven, from within your very own innermost fears and nightmares.

Marty the phone is ringing, I don't want to move I am so comfy.

I'll get the phone, just lift yourself off me I need to get up.

Marty, I need you again hurry.

Hello, Neffie how are you it's nice to hear from you it's been a while.

I'm fine Marty, I would like to talk to Isabel is she there?

Isabel, it's Neffie she would like to talk to you.

Neffie you have good timing at the moment am having lots of love with my husband, and we were making up we hadn't seen each other for twelve months when I finished, would you like to have a threesome Neffie?

you know that I am highly sexual Neffie.

Yes, I know you are Isabel, we were twelve years old the first time we had sex together remember that Isabel, I will look forward to having a threesome, it's been a while, and I want to have you first Isabel.

I have never forgotten that afternoon spent in my bad together it was a beautiful time Neffie, you have always been my Egyptian lover, haven't you?

Yes, I am, just like you are my highly sexual Italian lover, and I do love Isabel I always have, we need to talk Isabel, about the Ballet of The Whore of Babylon, your fans are calling out for the ballet to be extended, I have been trying to organise it for two more extra months, Isabel it's in every newspaper with your photo, all around the world, the ballet critics can't praise you enough Isabel, the ballet has been a great success everywhere you have performed, sorry Isabel but your people want to see your ballet again, can you please meet me for lunch?

Neffie, I have just returned home this morning, this is my first day at home with Marty, I'm a little bit busy at the moment can we meet at 2 pm at the restaurant?

Yes, I'll see you then Isabel my love.

The Raven, I will see you both but you won't see me and you won't hear me, but I will be there sitting on the table next to you both.

Marty, Neffie has just told me that people are asking for more of the ballet shows of the Whore of Babylon, which will be another two months, I'm not going away for two more months Marty, I want to stay here with you my beautiful husband who I love so much, Marty when was the last time you had sex with Neffie.

About four weeks ago, since you have been away, I have slept with Neffie five times why?

I just like to know, I want more loving Marty now before I go meet Neffie, please.

Hello, Neffie I love you so much, but you are a pain in the ass, my first day at home with my husband and you ring me for a meeting, please tell me it's important enough to leave Marty alone in my bed Isabel, I am so sorry for disturbing you I do that it is your first day at home after three months of touring, and I am so sorry for disturbing you but Isabel, people are in demand for more ballet shows of the Whore of Babylon, this is going to make you a very famous and wealthy Isabel.

Neffie I am already famous and a wealthy woman, and I don't want to go back on tour again I have just got back home, and I need to rest and spend time with Marty, I also would like to have time with you to make love to you Neffie, you are a very beautiful Egyptian woman, I love you give some time Neffie for a few weeks at least, please.

Isabel, I love you very much, I'm sorry for rushing you into doing more ballet, what do you think about if we start rehearsals in one month, then that will give all of us time for each other, it has been a while since we were in bed with each other Isabel.

The Raven All this I love you, you love me, is very sickly it makes me want to vomit, I am sitting here watching them and listening to their conversation, it is rather entertaining for me, I'm sitting here, and they cannot see me, they cannot hear me, and they certainly cannot feel my presence, I am like a dark spirit, I am here and there I am everywhere but you can't see me, people can't see what's in front of them because they are to wrap up in their pathetic little lives, for I am the psychopathic serial killer, The Raven.

Isabel, you will not be touring with this ballet you will be staying in Paris for the ballet, it's going to be for two months or more depending on demand.

The Raven The ballet will be held in Paris, which is better for me I won't be running around all over the place, I just hope Isabel will agree, I am the dark spirit of The Raven, please let me tell you the story of what happened before the ballerinas returned home from Italy to Paris.

Isabel and the rest of the ballet dances and some of the others went out for dinner to celebrate the end of the tour, everyone was so happy and full of joyful moments and thought of returning home to their loved ones, and then there's me the darkness, I am going to create so much pain and suffering, because, at the moment I following Jean Luc, Marty's uncle and the director of art for the ballet theatre, to his hotel.

He can't see me, he can't hear me, he can't feel me, not yet but he is going to feel me, he will see me, it will be the last thing Jean Luc he will see Death is a beautiful moment when the life leaves the body and then you can hear your last breath just before death comes.

Now let me take you into the hotel with Jean Luc, I am walking behind him I started walking to catch up with Jean Luc and then I start talking to him, hello Jean Luc, how are you?

Oh hello, my old friend I haven't seen you for a while it's nice to see you again, this is my hotel, please come and have a drink with me and then we can have a long talk about everything.

This is just the invite I needed now I can kill him in private.

Jean Luc, it will be a pleasure, to after you, my old friend.

Let me cut this story short, I helped Jean Luc to become high on cannabis and a lot of red wine, and then I told him a little poem, as I walked up behind him.

I am the dark spirit you can not see, I am the dark spirit you can not hear, I am the dark spirit you can't feed its presence, Jean Luc let me watch your energy of life flow from your body as you die, I like to see gasp for air as you die, I will slowly cut deeply into the flesh of your throat and watch your blood flow out is so beautiful to see, then I sat back down and finished my glass of wine, while I watched the blood flowing out of Jean Luc's throat, what I didn't like was the sound of Jean Luc gaggling on his blood, it was spoiling my wine that I was enjoying.

Let me sit back and enjoy the suffering and misery of the work I have just created it's been two days since I put Jean Luc to sleep, The Raven.

Isabel, please forgive me for disturbing your lunch but I am looking for Marty, I have some disturbing and bad news for him, I have been into the brothel where he goes into the opium den he wasn't there, can you please tell me where he is I need to talk with him.

I watched Marty growing up, and I have been Jean Luc's friend since we were at school together.

Gabriel, you look very upset and shaken please tell me what is going on what, has Marty got to do with it?

Inspector Gabriel, I am not too sure where Marty is I left him in bed this morning, have you been to his art studio, Marty is creating a very large piece of artwork it is 20 feet tall at 50 feet long.

Inspector Gabriel, may I ask what Marty has done and why you are looking for him?

Neffie, please forgive my ignorance how are you it is very nice to see you, I am looking for Marty, I have just been informed that Jean Luc, has been murdered in a hotel room in Italy someone has cut his throat, authorities in Italy, have asked to inform his family Marty.

Isabel, you of all people know Marty the best how am I going to tell him?

News like this, how Isabel.

Gabriel, give me a couple of days I will talk to Marty in private away from people, his emotions will send Marty into an emotional rage and anger, and then he will need to grieve, Gabriel I will get back in touch with you in two days, would you like me to do that.

Isabel, I would appreciate it, I couldn't find that sort of courage to sit down in front of Marty and tell him that Jean Luc has just been murdered.

Gabriel, I do understand where you are coming from it's too close and personal for you, is because you have known Marty since he was a baby, and his mother before that, don't worry about it, Gabriel I'll sort it and let you know.

Neffie, will you please come with me to where Marty grows his cannabis he is going to need some more it helps him cope with things like this, he needs it to slow his mind down to help him think better, Marty can't deal with emotions very well, especially when it comes to loving and losing the people who are close to him, to put it bluntly, Neffie the Marty is emotionally fucked up in his head, thanks to his father.

Isabel, I have been hearing gossip about Marty for years that he has killed his father and two other men Is this right, I would just like to hear the true story behind all the gossip.

When Marty was a child he was physically and sexually abused by his father was a horrific time for Marty, the physical and mental after-effects of all the damage caused by his father left Marty with a lot of problems, Marty could not run if he tried his legs giveaway and causes him pain, and he has trouble going up and down stairs, then we have the mental health issues that Marty suffers, what comes with all this, I don't even know where to start with this one Neffie, Marty is a mess in his mind, he is just so fucked up, but the love I get from him is overwhelming, I love him so much and very deeply.

The answer to your question Neffie has Marty killed his father, yes, the night that Marty killed his father was so horrific for him he was beaten and raped as well as his mother Marty plunged a 12-inch carving knife into his father's heart and when Marty pulled the knife out, it cut the heart in two, has Marty killed two other men yes, he beat them to death in a rage of anger because there were mocking him over the things his father had done.

Inspector Gabriel covered up the deaths of these two men, Inspector Gabriel and Marty's mother were lovers for years, personally Neffie I think there's a good chance that Marty could be Gabriel's son, Neffie, I don't know what to say about this to Marty.

Isabel, it's not the only thing that Gabriel has covered up and kept a secret, is it?

I try not to think too much about that Neffie.

Isabel, I have managed to book the theatre Opera Comique, for two months, Isabel you have performed there many times so you know what the stage and the theatre are like.

I love that the theatre is old and full of history, I have always enjoyed performing in that one, Neffie I'm getting a weird feeling that someone is watching and following me, it's making me nervous.

Isabel, you may have a stalker following you, a lot of famous females have Stalkers, can you see anyone?

No, I think I'm just overreacting, I have Marty and what's just happened to Jean Luc on my mind.

Isabel, hello, Neffie looking beautiful, Isabel I keep getting a voice inside my head saying, go back to Isabel, over and over so I'm here, and I keep seeing something out of the corner of my eye, it's as if someone is following me.

Hello, Gabriel, it's Marty Can you please come to the Theatre Opera Comique, I'm going to need your help.

Hello Marty, listen to me you need to calm down I can hear your breathing down the phone, you are panicking just remember what Isabel has told you to do, breathe in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth.

Sorry Gabriel at the moment my head it's all over the place at first Uncle Jean Luc had just been murdered and now Isabel goes into the changing room and I think there is a death threat written on the mirror, Isabel, she's very upset and trying to understand what is going on, Neffie is with her.

Marty, can you remember what has been written in the mirror?

Yes, it's about things it's like a weird piece of poetry that says.

You, cannot see me You, cannot hear me You, cannot feel me Until you're death.

Whoever wrote this used black lipstick it's the lipstick Isabel was using for a character in the ballet, Gabriel I am trying hard to stay off the drugs so I can help Isabel, she is my heart and soul.

I know that Marty, listen to me now go back to Isabel, you have to stay strong enough to protect Isabel, do you understand, one more thing Marty please try not to go in a rage, we don't want any more deaths, I am on the way right now Marty see you soon.

Isabel, I have been talking to Gabrielle and told him everything he is on the way to help.

Thank you, Marty, why would someone write something so awful?

I don't know Isabel, let us go and wait in the theatre it's a safe place.

Neffie are you okay, just stay close I don't want anything happening to the both of you.

Poor little Isabel, it's right you will not see me but I am watching now, but you will not hear me, see you soon, I am Raven.

Marty, while we wait for Gabriel, I would like to have a full change of the stage and also all of the body art for the ballerinas, Marty I would like to have them naked just wearing little panties and covered in full-body art, Marty I would like you to create me using twenty ballerinas make them Pagans of Babylon.

Isabel, just let me sort this out in my head, you would like me to create all of the stage settings and full-body artwork for twenty ballerinas, Isabel I can't stop thinking about the voices inside of my head, it's like when you are slowly waking up and you are drowsy, but you can hear voices in your ear it's like somebody is outside of your bed and is bent over whispering into your ear.

I can't get my head around this one, has it happened or didn't it happen, sorry Isabel my thoughts are not right at the moment I can't stop thinking, I had voices in my head when I was a child and I thought one of them was demonic, I hope they are not coming back.

Marty, the voice in your head is my voice you can't see me you can't feel me but you did hear me, or is it your madness coming back?

Work it out quickly or you all end up back in the Lunatic Asylum again, you have spent two years in one Marty, I think I will play with your Darkness and send you back into the Lunatic Asylum, I can do that because I am the Raven.

Isabel, why don't you go home and be with Marty, with what's going on, I think you are getting stressed out go and take your husband, have a hot bath and take him to your bed it will make both of you happy Isabel.

I think that's a nice idea to have but with what's just happened to Jean Luc on my mind, I will be fine, Neffie I just want to do something else, I just hope that Marty will be alright.

Isabel, when I was in bed I kept getting a voice inside my head saying, go to Isabel, over and over again, and on the way here I kept seeing something out of the corner of my eye, it was as if someone was following me.

Marty, it is happening to you now still?

Not now Isabel it seems to have stopped am here, but this theatre is Creepy and I'm getting the feeling that I am been watched I got a tingling up my spine, it's as if there are eyes everywhere watching me it's a wired creepy place in this Theatre.

It's not creepy Marty, you can sense my presence, you can't see me, you can't hear me, but you can sense my presence, I am here all around you watching and listening, Marty, you will know that I am here, just like Isabel I have left her a note to read in her dressing room, I am creating the most spectacular ballet, of pain, suffering and the darkness of death, the world will ever know The Raven.

Marty, I would like to have a full change in the stage settings and also all of the body art for the ballerinas, Marty I would like to have them naked just wearing little panties doing full-body art, Marty I would like you to create me using ten ballerinas Pagans of Babylon.

Isabel, just let me sort this out in my head, you would like me to create all of the stage settings and full-body artwork for ten ballerinas.

Yes, I know that you can do it, Marty, I will be naked with full-body artwork that will make people talk about my body art, and make me stand out more than everyone else, Marty bring the story of Babylon to life for me, take a look at the size of the stage, Marty you can build a city of Babylon on it, with low lighting and fires on the stage, the people will come to see a ballet, and enter the world of Babylon.

Neffie, how long do I have to create all this before you start advertising the ballet, I will have together some specialist workers to create all of the work, I can create it, but I need help to build Babylon.

Marty, I can give you three months no longer, is that long enough to create the stage settings?

I can help you find specialist workers if wish Marty.

I do have good men who I trust to do the work if they are available to do the work for me, I'll get back to you Neffie.

Marty, I think that Isabel screaming, yes she is, it's coming from the changing rooms, quickly, Isabel, Isabel.

I'm in here hurry, Marty Marty hurry up.

Marty, look at the mirror it's the mirror, on the mirror read it.

Who could have written such a horrible thing like that?

I don't know Marty I have just walked into the room and looked at it.

It reads like weird poetry that means me harm, it's threatening to kill me Marty why?

Isabel, Neffie, say with me am going to ring Gabriel and try to get this fucking shit sorted out is just sick and fucking disturbing, my uncle has just been murdered and now this.

Marty Isabel, how are you both feeling please show me this mirror with the writing on it.

Gabriel, the mirror is a full-length body mirror it's in Isabel's changing room backstage, Gabriel it's not just about this mirror, my Uncle John Luc has just been murdered, somebody was in my house this morning whispering in my ear, and there are two members of staff missing Rosie the makeup and hair stylist she hasn't turned up and a lead stagehand he is missing, it feels if someone is trying to destroy our lives, and I don't have any idea who is doing all this, Gabriel, you have to protect Isabel and Neffie for me, please.

Isabel, the writing on the mirror seems to me more of a death threat it is quite dark and disturbing in its meaning if I say so myself, the Italian police are trying to find out who murdered Jean-Luc, and I have notified them of what strange things are going on here in Paris, as yet we have no leads, we have checked the police departments history books for serial killers called The Raven and there is nothing I think this serial killer called The Raven.

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