
Written By martykarl

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The story to your questions Gabriel starts back when Marty spent two years in the Lunatic Asylum, he befriended a young girl and became very protective over her because some of the inmates kept trying to rape her and there were physically abusing her, all he could see just reminded him of what his father put him through, Marty wasn't in the same hospital he went to help with art lessons apart of his treatment, Marty couldn't protector the girl all of the time but one day he went to the hospital to visit her, and he found the doctor and the assistant's doctor torturing her with the electric treatment using it on her head and nipples and her vagina.

Marty went into a rage and beats down both of them the doctor managed to get up and run off, and as for the doctor's assistance Marty beat him to death, as for the hospital's response, it was to cover up the doctor's assistance he was buried out in the secret graveyard with all the other tortured and murdered patients, and as for Marty, he was never allowed to leave the hospital until it was time for him to leave.

The hospital decided it would be better if this young girl were released back into Society, Marty found her living on the streets and helped her to find a place to Live gave her money to live on and helped her find a job and that was the end of their contact, later she moved away shortly after were unknown in her medical records she is a psychotic psychopath Marty did not know this, her name is Emily Chateau and I think she could be your serial killer The Raven, I am fearful that she may come after the children I hope that she doesn't, has that answered your question, Gabriel.

Yes, Elizabeth you have answered my questions more than you think thank you for your help, before I go just one more question, how long have you known all about Emily Chateau and Marty's contact with each other Elisabeth, you should have told me all this information the first time I came to see you, people are being murdered.

I have always visited Marty when he was in the hospital he used to tell me about her, and when he was released, I went to the hospital to pick him up and bring him home and we have been having a sexual relationship ever since Marty is an excellent lover with a large penis and fulfils all my sexual needs, I know everything about Marty I understand I know what he's like and I know what he is capable of doing and I have been in love with Marty for a long time, Gabriel, just one more thing the mutilated body you found was the doctor from the hospital, who tortured and raped her that's why you call it cold and calculated revenge.

Gabriel, be very careful of what you believe not everything is what it seems you of all people should know more about false truths just like you are pretending to be dead and you are not you will be going back on my list Gabriel.

I will wait for you to go Gabriel I would like to have a talk with Elisabeth we haven't talked with each other for years.

I know that I am talking to myself but I need to go to the lunatic asylum to check on all this information about Emily Chateau because there is something not right about the story that Elisabeth has just told me, good idea, Gabriel.

No Gabriel no that's not a good idea at all keep away from the fucking hospital, this is not good I have to get there before you Gabriel because I have to shut the mich up before she talks too much, not good this is just ruining my plans, fucking Gabriel interfering is just fucking everything up for me not now I'm so close to my grand finale.

I am Inspector Gabriel is it possible for me to speak to my Madam Jacqueline Melorini, it is about an inmate.

I will just go and see if she is available inspector.

Inspector Gabriel, you need to see this please come with me to her office I have just walked in and found Jacqueline like this, she had her throat cut and the tongue has been removed inspector, I don't want to raise any alarm or start a panic please keep this door shut I have my patience to think about.

When was the last time you saw her alive this morning?

Inspector, I was only talking to Jacqueline about 15 to 20 minutes ago, I have been at my station for the rest of the morning.

Gabriel You can't see me.

I can see you.

You can't hear me.

I can hear you.

I can kill you.

You can't kill me.

I am the satanic darkness in a deadly game of chess, now this game is over for me, I will let you see me now, let's bring it to an end, not today I haven't finished with everything yet, Gabriel at this very moment we are so close, I am The Raven.

Has Jacqueline had any visitors within the past hour?

I haven't seen anyone come through the reception asking for her this morning.

Okay thank you, please excuse me I have to ring the office.

Command the Raven has claimed another victim at the Lunatic Asylum the woman's name is Jacqueline Melirini, I came to talk to her about an inmate who I thought be the Raven, but she was found with her throat cut, this takes the body count now to a total of five.

Yes, sir far as I am aware there have been no more reports of anybody's found sir. Gabriel, stop being in a rush and give me more time Gabriel and I will provide you with more of my great work, but first I want to take your mind Into the Darkness and slowly but surely I will take it into the void of the empty, I will not kill you Gabriel I will put you through what you put me through the first time you put me into the lunatic asylum.

Gabriel you know who I am you have just forgotten me I am invisible to everyone because I just sit there rocking back and forth, the people ignore me and walk by me they don't see me, they don't hear me, I will keep you alive Gabriel in such misery and suffering, you have sind by taking the flesh of another man's woman and seeding her with your child, I will burn your eyes and burn your flesh then you will spend the rest of your life in the darkness without sights and within the darkness of madness in your mind, Hoor the pleasure of doing all that to you is making my fluids flow I am standing here having an orgasm on a hospital ward, looking at you Gabriel and my fluids are flowing down my leg, I am feeling the ecstasy of my pleasure it is so overwhelming for me Gabriel.

The Raven.

Elizabeth's, I got your message to come and see you, what's going on?

Nothing wrong Mart it's just that I need you can you spend the night with me.

Elizabeth I would like that very much I need your comfort tonight Elizabeth with your loving within your arms, I am not coping very well with all that's going on when I make love to you Elizabeth my mind and soul are at peace.

Marty, then let me put your mind and soul at peace with my loving, it's been a while since we made love Marty, and it won't be long before you are in my bed for good that is my promise to you Mart, I can't see you and Isabel being able to stay together now that her secrets are out, she has played you for a fool which is a shame after all of what you have done for her, Marty you created Isabel she is only famous because of you.

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